The Hurricane Frenzy
3 important things we forget to do when preparing for a hurricane!
If you’ve been through hurricane season in Florida before then you know the hurricane frenzy to get water, gas, batteries, charge your iPhone, etc. Here are few more last minute things we forget to do when preparing for the big storm.
We all charged our phones and have back up batteries but what if our cell phone networks are down? Have a plan!
Plan a location to meet at incase you get displaced during the storm.
FEMA says during national disasters cell phone lines get tied up and phone calls wont go through. Try to send a text – you have a better chance of reaching someone during a mass call event.
Write down numbers and laminate them in case your phone dies. Be sure to include in town and out of town family, emergency numbers, neighbors and addresses if needed.
If the storm does damage your home and belongings do you have a home inventory? Most of us don’t. Take a video!
If you don’t have a home inventory backed up with video or photographs, take photos or video now for insurance purposes in case your home suffers extensive damage during the storm. A visual record of your processions and the condition of your home prior to the hurricane will be invaluable when dealing with insurance claims!
In Tallahassee a lot of us will lose power so take advantage of your freezer now!
Set your freezer on the coldest setting, and make as much ice in the ice maker or ice trays as possible while the power is still on. Also, fill plastic containers or clean milk and water jugs with water (don’t fill to the top to allow for expansion), and put them in the freezer. Once the power goes out, place containers of ice in your fridge or an ice chest to keep your food fresh longer. Open refrigerator and freezer doors as little as possible.
Stay up-to-date on storm tracking! For more information visit the our local hurricane center’s website: Click here!
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